Are You Seeking Expertise in the Right Places?
In the past, companies only sought experts from their particular industry—the more narrow and specific the resource, the better. Technical know-how, particularly in production, would help transform a foundering or moderately successful organization into a powerhouse.
No more. Today companies look for resources OUTSIDE their industry for sustainable growth. There are good reasons for this. The previous types of experts were limited to their experiences as individuals, or leaders of a team within one environment.
Today’s fast track growth comes from consultants who have a wealth of experience in diverse industries, perhaps both in manufacturing as well as in sales. Modern consultants often have experiences in manufacturing plants, selling intangibles (such as insurance or data processing), and creating work teams under high-pressure conditions of budget and expertise.
Outside consultants who can bring resources and expertise from many industries have a better opportunity to find holistic solutions, bringing together people, equipment, product, and knowledge.
In my own career, which has run the gamut from manufacturing to financial services, I’ve been able to the use a diversity of experiences. The science of NASCAR pit crews—who need to act fast, accurately, and as a team—should be applied to manufacturing situations. Often analogous experience lend themselves to creative solutions. After working with the manufacture of automotive coatings, I was able to apply that expertise to a breakfast cereal coating application, improving yields by 67 %.
We live in fast-changing times. Only the creative, who have experience and can take fast action, will thrive.