The Value of Buying Experience When You Need Fast Results
There’s a belief in business that almost anything can be mastered through close study and determination. To an extent, that’s right.
But what if your company doesn’t have the time or resources for that iterative learning? That’s when you need outside assistance, people who have the experience you need and can become an integral part of your team. Not only would you make the decision to help the company, you’re also helping good employees who want to make an impact, but lack experience and vision.
Although it may appear quick and convenient to promote within, those companies that are trying to achieve major renewal and growth will find it frustrating without outside experience.
Hire people who understand your goals through their own experience, and know where the organization is heading. You’ll likely achieve your growth goals and strengthen the overall skill set of the company.
The new employee must be both achiever and mentor, charged with raising the skill set of those around him/her. As you transform the company, you should also increase the overall skills of the company.
Where do you want to be in six months—frustrated with a current employee struggling through inexperience or satisfied with the work of an outside resource who not only keeps you on track, but also trains and guides great employees to achieve future and sustainable success? The choice is obvious.